What would the ultimate Asgardian weapon look like?
Merging Asgard’s most versatile weapon, Mjölnir, with the most powerful weapon of all, Stormbreaker, would be a good start.
Of the two weapons, Stormbreaker is formally the strongest, but things are not so simple, because each has advantages that the other does not, and the ideal is therefore to combine the pros of both.
Mjlonir’s short handle and lace, despite seeming almost uninfluential accessories, give the user of the weapon the ability to rotate it quickly, and to be able to amplify the force of its blows and the speed with which it is thrown, as well as the ability to create a shield and whirlpools.
And don’t forget that almost nobody can lift Mjölnir, which not only prevents the weapon from falling into the wrong hands, but also makes it useful for immobilizing an opponent. And it can also provide Thor’s power to those worthy of it.
That is something that is simply not possible with StormBreaker.
On the other hand, Stormbreaker also has advantages over Mjölnir. It is much more lethal, because in addition to a blunt hammer, it also possesses a sharp side. One side can therefore be used to cause shocks over a large area, while the other can be used to pierce and kill.
Unlike Mjölnir, which channels Thor’s power, Stormbreaker amplifies it. It can also manipulate the Bifrost, with which it can travel from one part of the universe to another in no time, and is even capable of destroying planets if used for a long time.
The ideal weapon would therefore be a sort of modified Stormbreaker, slightly smaller, with a slightly shorter handle and a lace at its end, and endowed with not only the Bifrost, but also the Mjölnir spell.
Something similar to the concept art below.
If we then wanted to overdo, the Mjölnir of Thor Love and Thunder can also split into pieces that travel independently of each other and reassemble. If the former weapon were also divisible, then we would probably have the most versatile and powerful weapon possible.
A weapon both blunt and sharp, able to rotate, act as a shield, bestow Thor’s power, increase Thor’s own power, immobilize the unworthy, control the Bifrost, and split into pieces.
All this in addition to ‘basic’ flight, weather and lightning control, instant healing, the ability to materialize an armor, incredible toughness, and the ability to return to the user regardless of distance and obstacles.